23-92 23rd Street
Astoria, NY 11105


An effective and increasingly popular therapy that has evolved into a complete and holistic medical system, acupuncture offers treatments that are  personalized to a patient's unique constitution, signs, and symptoms. Practitioners of acupuncture and Oriental Medicine have used this non-invasive medical system for thousands of years to both prevent and treat disease. The acupuncturist places fine sterile needles on various "acupoints"-activating and balancing the body's Qi (pronounced chee), which promotes natural healing.
Japanese Style Acupuncture
Acupuncture has its roots in China where it is still called traditional Chinese medicine. However, this medicine long ago spread throughout Asia into countries such as Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. Even though the fundamental theory remained the same, the application and delivery was different. For example, the Japanese style of acupuncture we practice at Oak Point utilizes much thinner needles than traditional Chinese acupuncture and focuses more on abdominal diagnosis and palpation.
For this treatment, which has also been in use for thousands of years, an herb called mugwort is either burnt directly on an acupoint or indirectly applied via a needle. Moxabustion helps warm a specific area, increase circulation, and enhance the body's ability to heal itself.
By utilizing suction cups to help stimulate the flow of Qi and blood to the superficial layers of the skin, cupping allows the practitioner to address familiar issues like muscular pain. It can also be used to assist the body in combating viral and bacterial illness such as flu and common cold.
Electrical Stimulation
In a blending of the modern and the ancient, needles are stimulated with electrical pulsation. "E-Stim" has been proven to enhance the benefits of acupuncture especially with neuromuscular conditions and pain management.

A form of massage used in Oriental Medicine, Tui-Na focuses on opening up blocked meridians which cause pain. Tui-Na is usually performed after the acupuncture treatment of musculoskeletal and joint issues.